Friday, February 6, 2009

Day trip to Door of Faith Orphanage

On the last Saturday in January we joined the gang from Flipside, the largest group yet (just a few more than 50) to head to the Door of Faith Orphanage in Mexico. A total of eight vehicles caravaned, with Deron as the driver of the lead vehicle!Not too long after we arrived the batteries in our camera died. Hence the limited number of photos being blogged right now. Here we see some of the children washing their hands before the lunch that we prepared for them.Deron & Prestin chatting with Greg Shipp.Lunch time for us. The kids had just finished their tasty meal!Jasen hanging out on the swing. Notice in the back how the nursery is slowly taking shape. Steve chatting with Jasen as Tom Horn pushes one of the orphan girls.
On our way back from a hike to the cross. In the background are the cabins that we will stay in for AMOS later this year.
So true! That expresses well right where we are at!
Prestin chilling out on top of the hill!

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