Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Door of Faith Orphanage - Mexico

4:30am we are out in the dark ready to embark on a huge adventurous day to Mexico. This time Prestin and Jasen are joining us. Their first time south of the border! At the Door of Faith Orphanage getting a tour and a briefing. As Prestin listens to the briefing, what's going on in his mind?
A photo opportunity for one of the beautiful children! She has confessed that some day she hopes to be a model.
Actually this photo is not of Justin (though he is a cool dude listening to some more details about the children), it is of the the little girl behind him petting the dog who is sticking his head through the fly screen. Deron & Hayley listening to still more stuff on the kids. Check out Prestin's face in upper left hand corner.
The four amigos taking a break at the orphanage.
Jasen had such a fun time in Mexico. Note behind him is the construction for the new nursery.
Prestin is really beginning to smile these days!Deron and his new found friend!Chalk art! Steve did not draw the figure but moved in after Cody was done!Steve being very still as he is being traced by a budding artist with chalk. Prestin holding the collection of crayon drawings, sandwiched between a young girl from the orphanage and Cody from Flipside.
Alisha & John sandwiching a couple young orphan girls.Blythe having a nice stroll with one of the little guys.Fixing lunch for the children Children lining up by age group for lunch.
Deron & Hayley
Jasen about to dive into his burger!
Prestin & John enjoying their barbecued lunch. John is one happy guy to be around!
Jasen being social with one of the little girls.
Jasen hung out at the play ground.But he was not alone!And soon these children simply sat down with him.And got even closer!And closer!And even closer! Hayley giving some photography tips.
Jasen standing at the front of the orphanage - proof he was actually there!
Deron playing soccer on the cement playground.
Photographers unite!
Deron's spring has been fixed. Last time we came down in April Deron threw a stone and hit a pole quite a distance away. There was a loud ca-boom and a spring of water shot up in the air. It has since been fixed with this cap.
Presting climbed up to the top of the hill overlooking the orphanage. Yep, he is catching his breath.
Jasen up close and personal!
After we left DOFO we stopped at a little restaurant for a feast before heading back across the border. Deron scored someones quesadilla in addition to his huge carne de sala burrito. It was actually too much for him to eat!
Dan helping negotiate the paying of the bill.
By the way, Dan is one cool photographer dude!!! And he is not bad with his espanol either! Our final briefing before getting in our vehicles and heading back to the chaos known as the border crossing! Brittany and Alisha encouraging the drivers to stay close and keep to the right.
As we approach the border here is the fence with California just on the other side!
As we converged at the border with a multitude of other vehicles, we were also greeted with venders and beggars.
That's Deron's truck up on the right!
Here is Deron's truck as we pass him by.
Here is a guy selling "live" puppies. A few moments later another guy came by selling plaster puppies of the same colors.
"Nathan, did you forget to grab your passport?"
The building in the background is the border. You can see at the light pole there are armed border guards just keeping things "safe". We had an amazing day. I am sure we benefit as much if not more than the children at the orphanage do. Still in the book of James we read that caring for widows and orphans are what God considers pure religion!

1 comment:


Once again your pictures evoke wonderful memories. Love the pic of those 4 handsome men.